Matoco Erroz

Matoco Erroz

Matoco Erroz
Director / Mountain guide

With more than 20 years organizing expeditions with high success. Here is one of the best high altitude mountain guide Argentina has to offer.

Always presenting himself as a climber, mountaineer and as result of that… Mountain Guide.

It is almost impossible to elaborate a list with all the mountains and expeditions he got under his belt. But, in this list there would be some of the most iconic mountains and regions of the world… Everest, Lhotse (without supplementary oxygen), Aconcagua (held the record as the youngest climber at 16 for many years), Denali, Ojos del Salado, Pissis, Huascaran, Alpamayo, The Nose, Guillaumet, Patagonia, Pakistan, Nepal, and the list goes on and on.
Working as an independent mountain guide and organizing expeditions for so many years, with a stunning success rate of 98%, he is hired by the most select companies of the world to be in charge of complex and challenging expeditions.

Team Member

Juan Eduardo Campos
AAGM High Altitude Mountain Guide

Actual representative Northwest AAGM (Asociacion Argentina de Guias de Montaña), Trained in Mountain Medicine by Argentina’s Mountain Medicine Association, Wilderness First Responder certification. Sport, traditional and ice climber, and Winter Mountaineer.
Top mountain guide specialized in expeditions above 6500m in the Argentina’s Northern Andes. Extreme 4×4 driver. In charge of logistics and planning for Ojos del Salado, Pissis, Walter Penk, Tres Cruces, Bonete Chico, Llullaillaco, Incahuasi, Muerto and more…
Former gear porter in expeditions 6500m and above in the Catamarca’s Puna, mountain Guide in Aconcagua, AAGM Trekking Guide Instructor, Entry level Climbing and Mountaineering Instructor at Agrupacion de Montaña Calchaqui.

Marco Calamaro
Mountain Guide EPGAMT

Worked 11 seasons in Aconcagua and has many ascensions in Argentina’s Northern Andes including Ojos del Salado, Tres Cruces Sur, Central and Norte, Pissis, Walter Penk, Incahuasi.
Many climbs in Cordillera Blanca, Peru… Escudo del Huascaran Sur, Toclaraju Direct Route, Pisco, Yanapacha, Huarapasca, Ranrapanca West Route.
Knowledgeable 4×4 driver and general mechanic..
Fluent English and Italian.

Mountain Guides certified by: